The Stringo Way


The old rules of manufacturing, of product lifecycles—even the idea of customer value—have changed dramatically in the era of climate change and sustainability. Stringo is ISO 14001 certified in Sweden and strives to make its sustainability an integral part of its corporate responsibility and business culture.

Stringo sustainability, environmental policy, climate

Building the future

It’s no longer enough to produce a product at the cheapest price, with no responsibility beyond that. The world we live in—and the future we’re compelled to build—means that companies are required to think about the impact that our businesses have on the environment, on the social realm and even the future.

Putting those values into the products and the services around them is an ongoing endeavour but necessary, especially to create a premium proposition. While we strive to do more, this is our present state of sustainability at Stringo and plans for next steps.

Stringo Sustainability

Manufacturing processes

Using ISO 14001 to Achieve Long Term Change 

Many companies strive to be better when it comes to sustainability topics through best efforts and practices. However, to achieve the most impactful, long term effects of making our companies more sustainable, a structure needs to be implemented that is systematic, goal driven and documented.

The highest global standard for such a system is the ISO 14001 protocol which organises and helps companies achieve these elements through a globally recognised process standard. Stringo is proud to be ISO 14001 certified in Sweden for its manufacturing practices and committed to a long term programme of environmental improvement along with customers, partners, employees and other stakeholders.

Sourcing locally to lower carbon footprint and increase social value

Stringos are manufactured in our headquarters in Nyland, Sweden. As such, we endeavour to find suppliers and even raw materials made in the region to suit our rigorous demands. We’re proud to say that 85-90% of our components are made locally and that our supply chain uses these local companies to create finished products for our machines. This reduces the carbon footprint in transportation dramatically but as importantly, it creates manufacturing jobs in our local communities that has high social impact in our rural economies.

Sustainable water use

Stringo sits on the Ångermanälven river, a major tributary and water source in the north of Sweden, its beauty a reminder that water stewardship is important to keep in mind when operating an industrial business.

Our water comes from a local aquifer source and is tested on a rigourous schedule to maintain its standard and purity. In our manufacturing processes, we’ve installed advanced water reclamation systems that reduces our waste water to a minimum in our painting facility with failsafe construction for water leakage and groundwater reclamation.

Energy policies

In 2014, Stringo replaced its oil heating system with a modern, more efficient injected deep earth energy (bergvärme) system. In 2014–2016 a project was launched that reduced energy consumption by 50%. This project was in conjunction with an insulation project and a new air compressor system.

Future ambitions
Solar panels are a possible future project implementation as well as sourcing a green grid.

Fleet electrification

The decision has been made that all new company fleet vehicles are electrified herein. Additionally, employees have taken it amongst themselves to drive more ecological. At present, almost 50% of employee vehicles are electrified.

Future ambitions
90% of employee vehicles to be electrified as well as charging stations to facilitate electrified vehicle uptake.

Air quality

Stringo air quality is managed by three ventilation systems. One is used for the production area, one for the office systems and the other—a more technologically advanced solution—filters the particle matter from the painting facility.

Future ambitions
Register CDP emissions and enact best practices.


Sweden is known for its consumer recycling traditions—almost 90%. Industrially, Stringo has a rigorous programme for its metal, wood, plastics and paper that uses Miva facilities for world class disposal.


Stringo recycles all its batteries to the highest international levels. Additionally, all Stringo machines are equipped with lead-acid batteries which are 99% recycled. This is more favourable than lithium which are, at present, is still less known with their environmental impact. At present, lithium-ion batteries are recycled at a rate below 5%.

Future ambitions
To bring battery reclamation best practices to customer and partners.

Painting facility

In 2021, Stringo switched to a more efficient and modern painting facility. This created better products but also created higher standards for worker and environmental protection.

Stringo uses high quality paints that meet the international standards for chemical hazards. In this facility, we use highly industrial ventilation techniques (see above) as well as water practices (see above).


Our employees are encouraged to carpool from the neighbouring cities to the HQ and Stringo also has remote working offices to allow these workers to reduce their carbon footprint.

Additionally, train travel is always encouraged using the local train system, SJ, which is green powered. 50% of internal country, company travel uses this method.

Lastly, our employees are encouraged to take local public transport when abroad instead of taxis of more carbon impacting methods.

Future ambitions
Offset flight carbon footprint with tree planting credits.

Human sustainability

People are at the heart of Stringo’s business and as such, the company has standards and practices that combat discriminatory hiring practices on gender, race or religion as well as any workplace abuses be they sexual or of any other nature. Exercise and socializing opportunities are regularly practiced and promoted and mental health is prioritized by all managers.

What's more, we recognise we need to be engaged in our communities with activities, activism, volunteerism and any other endeavour that improves our operating environments socially and creates this aspect of sustainability to our workers and even with our customers, suppliers and partners. 

Future ambitions

Consult ISO 26000 guidance for best CSR practices. 


Stringo's sustainability policy

Stringo shall increase knowledge and raise awareness of environmental issues by educating, informing and stimulating staff to commitment, participation and responsibility in environmental work.

Our environmental work means that we must work systematically and goal-oriented with continuous environmental improvements.

We must influence our own actions in the work around our production to minimise a negative environmental impact. As far as it’s technically and economically reasonable, we must design the manufacturing process so that it adversely affects people and the environment as little as possible.

We must constantly strive to improve the effective utilisation of our resources within the company.

We must actively work to comply with the environmental laws that regulate the general environment inside and outside the business.

We must, however, place special emphasis on the rules that apply to our industry.

When purchasing products, in addition to quality and price, the products' environmental impact must also be considered.

We must influence, make demands on and cooperate with other companies, suppliers, authorities and organisations.

With a high commitment to our environment, it is our commitment to streamline our production so that the consumption of energy is utilised in an optimal way.

The policy is communicated to everyone who wants to engage with in it through our various platforms (website, social media etc).

Nina Thelin

Stringo CEO
