Electric cars, electronic transmissions, and electric parking brakes are in your future. Stringo has listened to the market for over three years and we saw the need before it arrived. We have created unique solutions through strong engineering and real-world validation by the toughest customers. We just don’t design a solution; we send it out to the world and ask them to use and abuse it before we bring it to you. Let us tell you more.
What does #EVREADY mean for you? Maybe it is just a cute hashtag you have see on social media? Are you supporting end of line operations? Have you installed the latest dyno’s in your R&D facility to measure battery performance? Need true four-wheel lifting in a tight footprint but strong enough to handle your SUV line of products?
How Stringo supports a changing world
We work with all vehicle manufacturers globally and identify trends. Our engineering team has a long road map of development to be ready before you have a challenge. Our customers know we are the solution company that is always onsite, ready to use our 30 years of knowledge to ease your pain.
Our latest development success is a solution that allows the use of your new or battle-worn Stringo and adds four-wheel lifting functionality. Dead battery at end of line means to stop the line? The parking brake is locked on, transmission won’t come out of park? No problem with Stringo. Remove the vehicle off the line in under a minute with our vehicle mover. R&D facility with tight space? Our technical solution get you shuffling the days fleet for testing.
We can help you when your electric car isn't functioning
Our Stringo has your vehicle up and away. Our patented designs including Automatic over roll protection are unmatched in safety and performance. We do not strain the driveline or damage your vehicle in any way. The true one-person operation allows for the safest and most efficient vehicle mover you can buy.
Electric cars are fascinating, and opinions vary on how soon they will be mainstream. One thing we do know is they are not going away and are destined for a larger part of the road space. This means everyone from manufacturers to body shops will have to change their operation.
Stringo has your solutions. Developed, tested, supported and available for your validation. Ask us how Stringo can make your operation #EVREADY.